These 6 Guys Proved That Cyborgs Are Real!! Are You Kidding Me?!

We have seen a lot of movies or TV shows that man transforms in to a robot, and then they were called as Cyborg. It is a short term for cybernetic organism which means a human with both organic and biomechatronic parts, in short half human and half machine.

But does Cyborg really exist in our world? These guys were the ones who were called as Cyborg because of their condition.

1. Neil Harbisson was contemporary artist and a cyborg activist that is best known for creating the first “Cyborg Antenna”. He is the first
person to have antenna implanted in his skull!



2. Jerry Jalava who has made his finger as a flash drive, since he was lost his finger in a motorcycle accident!

Jerry Jalava

Jerry Jalava 1

3. Stelarc had a cell-cultivated ear surgically attached to his left arm! That was called his “Third Ear”!



4. Claudia Mitchell was the first woman to be outfitted with a bionic arm since her human arms was lost after a motorcycle accident.

Claudia Mitchell 1

Claudia Mitchell 2

5. Kevin Warwick which had a chip implanted in his arm, then temporarily connected his nervous to his wife.

Kevin Warwick

Kevin Warwick 2

6. Rob Spence who lost his right eye in a shooting accident and replaced it with a video camera!

cyborg eye


Rob Spence 1

Human intelligence is really amazing! This technology is not only for fun but also to help the disabled ones!

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