MAN VS THINGS! Who Do You Think Will Win? Acting So Weird Nowadays!

There are times that we are out of our minds and do a lot of crazy things. We have never expected that we are being monitored by others, and they are already making fun of us. When we are drunk, we do it only for fun and to fool around with our friends.

These guys are crazy; I don’t know the exact reason why they are acting like this. The result was already hurting them!

Are these guys mad to the things around them? They seem so very angry.

1. Man was countered back by a trash can
2. He was wants to duel with the pole
3. He is a boxer, but he is not prepared
4. Hitting and apple is not that easy
5. He don’t have any money and addicted to chips
6. What’s the problem with this trash can? They want to punish it.
7. The ceiling fan knocks him down, the fan wins
8. He is on a concert and just want to head bang
9. He wants to follow the body slam of “The Rock”
10. He just want to kill the hose
11. No chance of going out and he doesn’t know where is the back door
12. He is a mad hockey player
13. He doesn’t like the roadside sign so he showed brutality to it

Why are these people really mad with those things? Seems like they have been drinking a lot of alcohol! LOL

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