This Alarm Clock Doesn’t Only Ring.. It Also Wakes You Up With A Fresh Cup Of Coffee. Awesome!

We love to sleep but mornings are always looked forward. That’s why most of us are into use of alarm clock in order for us to wake up in exact time for the next day. And of course, to get ready with the day, a little refreshment is very much needed- a hot beverage. Most people (including me) love to take a sip with hot milk, chocolate, or the most favorite, coffee when the sun rises.

I’m not into coffee but I tasted it once, so I know that even the smell makes someone really alive. However, we tend to forget to take a little to sit and enjoy the drink because it is sometimes a waste of time when we’re already late for work.

U.K. based industrial designer Josh Renouf wants to change that and has come up with an awesome invention he called the ‘Barisieur.’ Barisieur is an alarm clock -turned-coffee-machine that automatically brews a cup of coffee right when you wake up.

This coffee maker heats the water and brews the coffee all by itself but you have to do load it up the night before. “It encourages a ritual before going to sleep, signaling to the body and mind that it is time to unwind and relax,” Renouf said on his website.

Barisieur alarm clock

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Source Credit: JoshRenoufDesign

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