He Is A Batman Fanatic, You Wont Believe What He Got Inside His House!!

Most of us people has a favorite superhero, because we are fun of watching those superhero movies since we were little kids up to now that we are already adults. What is the thing that comes to your mind when you hear about superhero? Of course they are not real since it is only created by us humans to entertain others especially kids.

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But there are people that are really a fanatic of superheroes, like this man. He is a Batman fanatic and collected so much about his favorite superhero. He is 38-year-old Chris Weir who invested over $120,00 for the BATCAVE in his basement.

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Since he is addicted to Batman, he made this collection of comic books, action figures, posters and more.

He has also a life-size Batman suit on his cave used in the latest Christopher Nolan films.

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He built a cinema inside his BATCAVE that features a huge 100-inch TV screen where Chris watches his favorite batman movies together with his family.

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Wow! That looks like a museum already! If you want to be a collector, you will really need to spend a large amount of money to complete you collections. But you can also start in collecting into simple things with a cheaper price first, if you really wanted.

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