These Portraits Aren’t Drawn By Some Famous Artist But A Person With Dyslexia. He Made Me Proud!

Being different from others, may it be in physical or mental aspect is a serious problem one can possibly experience. To be judged, teased, bullied and insulted by other people is some of inhumane treatment one has to endure just to feel free in the society he’s dealing with. Special children suffer a lot from that maltreatment.

I’ve seen a lot of heartaches and struggle each special kid has to overcome with just to be accepted. As a special education teacher, it’s a painful fact I must take responsibility of, that’s why teaching them to be more independent and capable of becoming who they are despite of their disability is a must action we take no matter how hard it may seem.

No matter what the disability is (I won’t mention those disabilities since there are so many), there are many (countless) records of special children around the world, some are given attention while others are deprived from it.

One of those special kids is the Malaysian illustrator Vince Low who has this learning disability known as Dyslexia.

In scientific sense, Dyslexia is a language processing disorder can hinder reading, writing, spelling and sometimes even speaking, but is not a sign of poor intelligence or laziness, also not a result of impaired vision. Children and adults with dyslexia simply have a neurological disorder that causes their brains to process and interpret information differently.

It’s a very serious problem for most special children diagnosed with such disability, but for Vince Low it’s a gift. Despite of his incapacity, Low is determined to be successful by his potential in scribbling, turning it into creative portraits.



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Like many special children, Vince Low is rejected by his classmates, experienced a lot of obstacles, and a lot of bullying.


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According to him, he couldn’t get the grades to please his parents or himself o matter how hard he tried.

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Until one day, without his notice, he discovered his passion and realized his purpose through his hand and love of music and art.

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“I fell in love with drawing, illustration and everything that has to do with arts. Everything I achieved was effortless and I started to see where my life was heading.,” says Low.

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Vince Low’s story is truly inspiring for all special kids around the world. To be different because of a disability is not a hindrance but a gift every special child must remember and every parent must think of for their kids. Albert Einstein is also a dyslexic person yet he considered it as a gift which made him one of the most brilliant people in the history. And we normal people must not and stop rejecting but accept and love those special children.. because like us, they too are specially created by God for a very special purpose. 🙂

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