This Mannequin Displayed In A Bridal Shop Is Believed To Be A Corpse And Moves Every Night. Oh, S-C-A-R-Y!

It is very common for any clothing store to have mannequins which are used to display every dress or any wardrobes the store is selling, and mannequins or known as lay figures are lifeless dummy which well, cannot move like human.

But there’s actually one bridal shop named ‘La Popular La Casa De Pascualita’ in Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico that has a scary mannequin because it is believed to be actually an embalmed corpse. A reddit user shared a story about this mannequin and the story goes like this:

The original owner of the shop had a daughter named Pascualita. The daughter died on her wedding day. The mom mummified her deceased daughter so Pascualita could always be dressed in wedding gowns and exhibited at the front of the store.

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According to the story, the owners are rumored to change the mannequin’s dress quite often, but nobody ever sees it happen.

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Only the owner and certain employees are allowed to dress and undress her.

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And her hands are actually scary as it looks..

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However, some people go as far as to leave candles, gifts, and pray in front of the window, as the mannequin is believed to be a sort-of “saint” when it comes to love related issues. 

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This mannequin is also rumored to change positions throughout the night.

One resident in the local also said that this is the only mannequin that has a head is Pascualita herself and all the others are just black silhouette mannequins because whenever they bring a standard mannequin for display, all of them appear with their heads chopped off the next morning. 

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