What can You Say in This Ad? HMP!

Samsung had recently released their newest advertisement on their new cellphone model-the Samsung Galaxy S5.

It is seen in the ad that two men are talking while holding their own phones. One guy had his Samsung Phone model while the other one holds his I-phone Phone. The two were comparing their phones and have seen the difference. The other guy says that he his cellphone model is the latest model of Samsung the latest while the other guy only had his older model of I-phone.

It is promoting its newest released cellphone unit which is Samsung Galazy S5. It also shows an overview on the features of the said cellphone model.

According to the news, this ad makes fun out of the Apple’s I-phone model which is not yet launched until now. It is the I-phone 6 model. It is because their had also featured the old cellphone model of Apple.

Watch this video and have your own feedback.

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