Relive Your Belief With Fairies With These Dramatic Fairy Sculptures Dancing With Dandelions.. Stunning!

Know what’s that one thing we believe that’s purely magical? There’s no other than but, fairies. Since childhood, as we use to hear fantasy stories from our Mom through the books they read, fairies never seem to miss a spot.

And as innocent kids way before, we used believe in them and hoping someday we could be able to see one. But as we grow old, and the World started to teach us the reality, the belief of these fairies slowly begin to fade away.

Well, as reality speaks for, fairies aren’t real and there are no accounts of its existence. However, to relive every kids’ imagination, there are lots of stories and movies with of course, fairies that are created. But for some who likes to dream the fairyland once again, to make some art of it is their last but best resort.

UK-based sculptor Robin Wight made it to a point in reliving our belief with fairies through his beautiful fairy creations. With the use of stainless steel wire, he created magical and enchanting fairy sculptures holding a dandelion that seems dancing and struggling with the wind.

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To be unique and different from other sculptures, Wight buries a stone “heart” at each fairy’s core, and engraves these hearts with messages as his signature. Most of his work can be seen and are displayed at Trentham Gardens.

But if you want some of his creations, he can also work for private clients. Just visit his post at Fantasywire or his Facebook page.

Source Credit: BoredPanda

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