You’ll Get Mad When You Happened To Receive One Of These Offensive Greeting Cards.. But Prepare To Put On A Smile After You Read It! CUTE!

Greetings cards are obviously made for people who can’t directly tell some thing to a person face to face, and these thoughtful cards are meant for lonely people to cheer up. There are many kind of greeting cards- from birthdays and anniversaries to holidays and special occasions, greetings cards are found and can never be missed by almost anyone of us.

All of these greetings cards happened to be thoughtful and there’s never been (which I believed) a greeting card that is full of profane messages and is on sale. Have you seen one? Nope, right? That’s because greeting cards are sent to send our concern and love to those we care so much.

Think of this crazy idea: What if there are greetings cards that one purpose is to offend the receiver? What if not all greeting cards are thoughtful in words? Imagine what would be the person’s reaction upon reading it. Some kind of an aggressive joke, isn’t it?

Well, luckily, there’s never been, even one, awful greeting card that is manufactured for over the decades. But there’s this one merchandise which creates greeting cards that might make the slapping moment come true (just joking!), and might get the reader offended right before he/she open it. Etsy shop FINCH+HARE did an amazing ideas in creating these usual greeting cards we always receive.

To have some twist,they create funny greeting cards that look somewhat insulting at first glance, but cheerfully say the opposite when folded out. “I imagine the cards in this shop bringing a little excitement to mailboxes all over the world,” witty owner and designer of FINCH+HARE Heather Abbot said.

Below are some of FINCH+HARE creations of half-offensive greeting cards. These are so cute to receive!

It’s all downhill from here

foldout greeting cards 19

real message inside:

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Kill me now

foldout greeting cards 7

real message inside:

foldout greeting cards 8

 It sucks

foldout greeting cards 11

real message inside:

foldout greeting cards 12

 Santa hates you

foldout greeting cards 25

real message inside:

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 You were wrong

foldout greeting cards 15

real message inside:

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You are awful

foldout greeting cards 1

real message inside:

foldout greeting cards 2

Your life is over

foldout greeting cards 5

real message inside:

foldout greeting cards 6

 You are just so, so old

foldout greeting cards 10

real message inside:

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 Dad, you old man

foldout greeting cards 3

real message inside:

foldout greeting cards 4

 I might pee on you

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real message inside:

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 You are one crazy mother

foldout greeting cards 17

real message inside:

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You are terrifying

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real message inside:

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real message inside:

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Get ready for boredom


greeting cards 3

real message inside:

greeting cards 4

You talk a lot

greeting cards 5

real message inside:

greeting cards 6

Good riddance!

greeting cards 7

real message inside:

greeting cards 8

Try to look fat

greeting cards 9

real message inside:

greeting cards 10

You are super easy

greeting cards 11

real message inside:

greeting cards 12


Stop with the face-book


greeting cards 1

real message inside:

greeting cards 2

Source Credit: Facebook Finch+Hare, Etsy

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