Sometimes, It’s Hard To Deal With A Roommate.. These People Says It So.. Confronting Them Through Notes! Aggressively Funny! LMAO!

Living independently takes more than being able to live in your own, because mostly happens, and really happen, without your consent, is to have a roommate or a chum. And because you’re no longer alone, you have someone to trouble with; sometimes happily, but mostly, depressing. I admit, having a roommate is a good news, but when you completely know your roommate’s behavior when it comes to everything inside the room because both of you are actually sharing everything, and it upsets you, it’s a bad news.

When I was in college, I also have this roommate that seems to be practically messy of her things. Whenever she got home after school, she used to eat some between meals, and  when she’s finished, unlikely happens, she slowly put her dish over the sink without some little ‘mindset’ of what she’ll do about it. Did I do it for her? No. I didn’t, and she didn’t, too. At first, since I was a little bit older than her age, I scold her. She said sorry, but days went on and she continued to be just like that. But everyday turns to be a little drama; she do it over and over again, I scold her over and over again, but nothing happen. She’s used to it.

To make the long story short, I packed my things and transferred to another boarding house. Well, I can no longer take it, it’s her attitude and nobody can ever change it except herself. Because for me, when someone overdo something, it’s not incident anymore, it’s totally mistake that nobody can fix, but herself.

If I deal with it face-to-face, some would prefer to leave some aggressive-passive notes to their roommate. I don’t know why but maybe because writing them is more easy than facing them because you might not know what to do when they’re in front of you! 😀

1. He’s not giving it for free, dude!

chum 1

2. You have to do it by yourself!

chum 2

3. Though shall not eat chum’s food!

chum 3

4. When he switched the channel, just simply say..

chum 4

5. I need your serious cooperation, Evan!

chum 5

6. I might throw it.. in your face!

chum 6

7. Sometimes, they’re right..

chum 7

8. Let the eggs say it!

chum 8

9. What?!

chum 9

10. Nice note..

chum 10

11. It won’t help..

chum 11

12. Do it more!

chum 12

13. Not for you! All of it!

chum 13

14. Ewww.. gross!

chum 14

15. Don’t leave them.. again.. ever!

chum 16

16. With kisses and hugs..

chum 17

17. Don’t be upset, coz I’m doing what I want!

chum 19

18. He can say it, too!

chum 20

19. Yes! And forgetful!

chum 21

20. He won’t.. It’s his pet!

chum 22

21. You’ve got no secrets anymore..

chum 23

22. And if she’s talking really loud and it hurts your ears, just follow what Fergie..

chum 18

23. And is scolding her is useless, ask her..

chum 15

24. But at the end, you’ll probably miss them when they’re gone..

chum 24

But not their untidy behavior! 😀

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