An Artist Created Something Out Of A Packing Tape I Couldn’t Believe Is Real. Superbly… WOW!

Arts has many forms and so there are many ways one can be artistic and there is a wide range of materials or mediums one might choose to work with.

We have featured some of artists who used uncommon materials in their art pieces such us coffee stains and unused oil drums. But here is another whose fascinating artworks are made out of an ordinary roll of packing tape.

Born in 1958 in Kiev, Ukraine, artist Mark Khaisman studied Art and Architecture at the Moscow Architectural Institute in Russia. Now living in Philadelphia, USA, Khaisman uses rolls of brown packaging tape to create incredible works of art.


In the past, Mark has used his signature style of translucent packing tape, acrylic paint or film panels, and light boxes to create an extension of drawing which focused on decorative objects such as chairs…


Luxurious handbags…


And complex portraiture.


Mark characterizes his works as “pictorial illusions formed by light and shadow”.


There are three key elements in each of his art pieces; translucent packing tape, clear acrylic or film panels, and light.


It takes him between a few days and a few weeks to complete a poster-sized piece.


“The whole process is reminiscent to the darkroom photo development in the pre-digital era,” Khaisman said. “In a way, as my hands do the job, my mind is witnessing the appearance of the image.”


But Mark is a versatile artist and is never contended with one subject. To challenge himself further, he also creates more complicated pieces.


He has also taken his work on a thoroughly modern, almost pixelated feel and reference, particularly in his more colorful works.


His pieces have been displayed for gallery viewers but he has placed something on top of each artwork to prevent curious spectators from peeling off the packing tape to check if they are actually real.


To see more of Mark Khaisman’s incredible works, you can check out his website here.

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