21 Mind-Blowing Facts You Need To Know

Sure you know how world turned out to be, how plants and animals exists and how you came up to this website currently reading. But to tell you, not just because you know, doesn’t mean all things.  There are still things you don’t know and that simply because we are all destined to learn what was supposed to learn and it’s just a matter of perfect timing.

So, now’s the perfect time for this. Do you want your mind to get blown away? No big deal. Here are 21 incredible facts to give you that experience. I couldn’t find any words to say but WOW.

1. Bubble wrap was actually invented to be a new kind of wallpaper

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2. Less than 1% of Antarctica is ice-free

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3. A search for the Loch Ness Monster in 2009 was unsuccessful, but scientists did find at least 100,000 golf balls

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4. Koalas have fingerprints so similar to humans that trained experts could easily confuse them at a crime scene

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5. The scientific name for brain freeze (ice cream headaches) is sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia

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6. Babies can’t taste salt until they’re at least four months old


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7. The Easter Island heads actually have bodies

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8. Farmers grow corn on every single continent except for Antarctica


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9. The founders of Google were willing to sell to Excite for less than $1 million in 1999, but they were turned down


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10. Kool-Aid actually started out as “Fruit Smack”

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11. The only mammals that don’t have a belly button are the platypus and echidna (they lay eggs)


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12. Qatar is the only country that starts with a “Q,” and Iraq is the only one that ends with one

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13. Paris only has one stop sign in the entire city


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14. A guy actually changed his name to Tim Pppppppppprice to annoy telemarketers

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15. Blood makes its way around your body over 1,000 times a day

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16. To successfully cook an egg on a sidewalk, it needs to be 158°F


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17. Barry Manilow wrote State Farm’s infamous “Like A Good Neighbor” jingle

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18. Almost 10% of all the bones in a cat’s body are in its tail

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19. If the Earth was shrunk down to the size of a grain of sand, the sun would be the size of an orange


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20. Prairie dogs say hello to each other with kisses

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21. Mr. Clean is known as Don Limpio in Spain


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(h/t): Diply

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