Facts About Donkeys

Here are some amazing Facts About Donkeys

Facts About Donkeys – A donkey may look like a normal animal for many people but it possesses interesting characteristics.

Their large ears help them stay cool

Aside from expelling its internal heat at a high rate to stay cool in hot desert environments, the large ears also help the donkey’s sense of hearing. Through their large ears pick up the calls of herd mates and predators from miles away, based on the article in Treehugger.

facts about donkeys
Live Science

Their vocalization is unique

The sound of a donkey is called braying. Only donkeys have this kind of ability – vocalizing while both inhaling and exhaling. Horses and zebras do not have this. During air intake, a donkey would let out a “hee” and the “haw” comes during air outflow.

They are part of many hybrids

They are considered key to a number of the world’s hybrid creatures. This is because they are closely related to horses and zebras. With this ability, donkeys can produce offspring with both.

They are social animals

Donkeys can form deep, lifelong bonds with other donkeys or animals with whom they share a pasture.

They can act as guard animals

They are often used as “guardians” for livestock to protect them from dogs, coyotes, foxes, or even bobcats.

They are stubborn for this reason

When a donkey stays on its feet and unmoved no matter how hard the handler pulls the thread, it is simply because of its sense of self-preservation. This means that they are giving themselves to make their own decision about whether or not it is safe to keep going forward.

Some donkeys are tiny

Miniature donkeys are native to Sicily and Sardinia, and they are impressively small. Currently, the Guinness World Record for the shortest donkey is KneeHi at 25.29 inches tall.

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