These are the benefits of anger that you probably don’t know yet.
BENEFITS OF ANGER – There are good reasons to get angry and here are some that you might want to know on why we need to feel this.
Most of us often view anger as a negative emotion. However, if used wisely, it can help us attain and achieve our goals. When we are angry, we feel our heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature rising. It does not just negatively impacts the person who is feeling this but it also impacts external factors such as our relationships with other people.
It is also associated with certain health issues like inflammatory diseases, heart attacks, strokes, and pain. It does more harm than good but these negative impacts happen if anger is misplaced.
What we don’t know is that, just like any other emotions, anger should be valued. If used constructively, anger can do these good things to us:
- According to a study, this emotion can help us overcome some challenging situations. Interestingly, this study discovered that people who are angry are persisting more effectively serving as motivation to get things done. Researchers found that this is tied with approach-related motivation – a motivational force that is consisted of emotions, cognitions, and actions that work together to get the desired goal.
- This is essential for survival. A person’s “primal fight” stems from this emotion. It makes us vigilant, mindful, and sensitive to threats and aggression that all drives us to defend ourselves. This happens in situations such as where safety is at risk or when attacked.
- Acknowledging that you are angry is a sign of emotional intelligence. Avoiding them or repressing them may lead to some unpleasant situations as we all know what happened when your bottled up emotions explode. This emotion perceived to be negative should be understood in order to find strategic ways in handling it.
- Feeling this makes us aware of injustice and of the things we don’t deserve. We feel this when we face with insults, disrespect, injustice, or exploitation. It makes us aware that something is not right and being able to determine this, you can do something about it and it will help you communicate it with the other party effectively.
This emotion stands with an unfavorable reputation but up until now, scientists are still studying on how to use this in a constructive manner. If you are struggling with it leading to aggression and destruction, a visit to a mental health professional would be a helpful tool.
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