Some of the common breakup reasons among couples.
BREAKUP REASONS – Here are some of the most common reasons why a lot of couples decide to end relationship rather than fight for it.
One can definitely not know the extent of a mistake that can lead to a break up, however, there are certain signs that tell and you must listen to them. Usually, when a relationship is on the edge of falling apart, some of the lingering questions are:
- “Should I have seen this coming?”
- “Why do I always feel like I’m failing at love? Is it all my fault?”
- “Is this going to be worth it?”
- “How am I going to start over again?”
- “Will I ever find someone like him/her again?”
It’s a hard truth that before everything went south, it used to be a great relationship. But since it was great one, it was hard to see the problems the reason why it’s rare for relationships to fall apart all at once. There will be warning signs you both will ignore until all those small details get pile up. If those problems go unaddressed, they directly affect your relationship one by one until the foundation gets broken down – the beginning of an end, as they say.
A lot of people talk about the pain after the split, but there’s also this another kind of pain that occurs before. It is in the moment before you break it to someone that it’s not working anymore and that you both are better off without each other.
In whatever situation, a breakup is hard and painful. According to scientific research that was conducted on couples in Britain and published in the journal PLOS-ONE, here are the top 12 reasons why couples break up.
- Grew apart
- Arguments
- Unfaithfulness
- Lack of respect
- Different interests
- Moved
- Money problems
- Not sharing housework
- Difficulties with sex
- Domestic violence
- Not having children
- Drinking/drugs/gambling
Hard as it may seem, you have to know that you do heal after a breakup. It would take time and would take tons of everything to forget and move on as it is a process you’ve got to take. No one is spared. Trust yourself and do it at your own pace.
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