TEMPER TANTRUMS: Tips on How to Handle Emotional Outburst

TEMPER TANTRUMS – Here are some simple yet effective tips on how to handle emotional outburst or intense distress.

A temper tantrum refers to an emotional outburst, often showed by young children, characterized by intense frustration and anger. A child may display behaviors such as crying, screaming, stomping their feet, throwing objects, or even hitting or kicking during tantrums.

Kids might have tantrums when they’re feeling frustrated, tired, hungry, or just wanting attention. Sometimes, they feel upset because they can’t do something they want or don’t understand why things aren’t going their way.


For parents, it’s important to stay calm when a tantrum happens. Even though it can be tough, try not to get too upset. Remember that it’s okay for kids to feel strong emotions.

As children strive for independence, they may become frustrated when they are unable to do things on their own or make their own decisions. Some children may resort to tantrums as a way to gain attention from caregivers or to test boundaries.

Here are some tips on how to handle temper tantrums:

Stay Calm

When your child is having a tantrum, try to stay calm yourself. Your calm demeanor can help diffuse the situation.

Acknowledge Feelings

Let your child know that you understand they are upset. This shows them that you acknowledge their emotions.

Offer Comfort

Provide comfort and reassurance to your child. Offer hugs, gentle touches, or soothing words to let them know you’re there for them.

Be Patient

Stay patient and give your child the space they need to calm down. Rushing them may escalate the situation.

Stay Safe

Remove any objects that could be thrown or cause harm.

Diverse Attention

Distract your child with something else to shift their focus away from what triggered the tantrum.

Use Simple Language

Keep your instructions and explanations simple and easy for your child to understand. Use short sentences and clear commands.

Offer Choices

Give your child simple choices to help them feel a sense of control.

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