KARMA: Facts About This Concept That You Should Know

KARMA – Here are some facts about this concept of action, deed and its consequences that you should know.

It is a concept that originated in ancient Indian religions and philosophies, particularly in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. The term “karma” is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning “action” or “deed.”

The Rig Veda, the oldest collection of Hindu philosophical and religious texts, is where the concept first appeared. The Law of Karma was revealed by the gods and included into the Rig Veda during the Bronze Age, approximately 1500 BCE, according to Vedic mythology.


A few centuries later, more information about this philosphy was recorded in the Upanishads. During the Bronze Age, the Rig Veda contains the initial wording of the Law of Karma. Since then, karma has been included in the theological doctrines of Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs.

This concept revolves around the idea that every action has consequences, and individuals are responsible for the effects of their actions.

Primarily, karma is about cause and effect. “What goes around comes around.” This means the things you do good or bad can come back to you in some way. It’s like a boomerang that comes back to you when you throw it.


In Hinduism and Buddhism, this concept is often intertwined with the idea of reincarnation. It is believed that the consequences of one’s actions in this life will influence the circumstances and experiences of their future lives.

This concept is not seen as a predetermined fate, individuals have the freedom to choose their actions. However, they are also responsible for the consequences of those actions. The choices made in this life are believed to shape future experiences.

In certain religions, achieving freedom also known as moksha or nirvana, and purifying one’s karma are the ultimate goals. Individuals aim to achieve spiritual independence and break free from the circle of karma by being unselfish, walking the straight path, and distancing themselves from the results of their deeds.

However, the interpretations of karma can vary among different cultures and religious traditions.

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