Suffering From Fire Sores? Here Are Helpful Home Remedies To Soothe And Heal It.

The tendency of our skin whenever we hit something hot is to feel the pain. Eventually, the part of your skin swells as a reaction.

burnsBut it could just be a minor burn, so instead of panicking, there are natural remedies that could heal and minimize the pain before it could develop to painful blisters.

1. Cold Water
By running a cool water over the burn area for several minutes, to help the injury from spreading. But never use ice for it could restrict the blood flow of the skin and could damage your skin tissue.

2. Aloe Vera
This has been used over years of its known effect for burns. It does not only stop the pain and inflammation but it also reduce swelling and stimulate skin growth and repair.

3. Raw Potato
It has an anti-irritation and soothing properties that could treat minor skin burns as it alleviates the pain and reduces the chance of having blisters. Cut potato can be directly applied and rub on the burn.

4. Tea Bags
Black tea basically contains tannic acid which makes burns less painful. Just place the cool tea bags on the burn through a gauze to hold the bags in place.


5. Vinegar
Surprisingly, vinegar contains acetic acid that helps relieve the pain, itching and inflammation of the burn. More to that, vinegar is also proven to be antiseptic and astringent. Just pour vinegar to a cloth and compress it for soothing.

6. Onion
Sulfur compounds and quercetin are contained in an onion juice responsible for relieving the pain. It also helps for fast healing and reducing the chance of blistering. Just juice the fresh onion onto the burn.

7. Milk
By soaking the burn in milk for like 15 minutes could result to quick relief. The fat and protein contained in milk soothe the burn and hydrate the parched skin.

These simple remedies which could be just present in your home could either provide relief and healing, but if none seems to work, experts should be consulted for further examination of your burn.

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