Adorable Toddler Hilariously Imitates Pregnant Mom’s Walk. You’ll Love This Kid.

Toddler would always follow what they usually see. Although some of it might not be good to follow, this is where parents should intercept. But when they follow good things, then it must have been that they grew in a good environment.

But more to the usual things that they often follow, toddlers would also love mimicking someone they find hilarious or curious about.

After watching her pregnant mom walk around the house, this 15-month-old little girl had proved herself that she can too mimic her mom. Well, she had gotten pretty good at doing an impersonation on how her mom walks.

Matching with facial expression, this little girl is indeed talented and a good impersonation. Hilarious as it is, this little girl will surely flood you with good vibes.

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Video from DailyPicksandFlicks

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