This Is The Terrible Outcome Of The Battle For Northern Syria In A 360° View.

A fierce battle in the Syrian country that bloomed years ago between the government forces and the rebels have already causes trauma to the people. After the continuing battle between forces, what does Northern Syria look like today?

The consequences have even led people to abandon Syria and enter other neighboring countries in all hopes of safety and get over the nightmare that they have gone through.

The city of Jisr al-Shughour is just one of the few cities which was bombarded by the crisis forcing its people to leave and seek safer places. Like a ghost town, this little city is now fabricated with debris and threats.

In this video, you will see how the disaster have affected this place. This explains why people are seeking asylum in other countries. As the video continues, you can navigate your mouse through this city to look around.

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Video from SMART News Agency

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