Adorable Baby Breaks Out In Laughter After She Discovers Her Nose For The First Time

First times are memorable moments. Experiencing it means getting mixed up with so much emotions and there’s no way you will forget it. Babies are the first subjects when it comes to first trying of things like the first talk, walk, laugh, sneeze, crawl, and eat and everything.

If most babies discover certain task that they can do, the baby on this clip discovers that she have a cute body part- her nose. As she examines it, she couldn’t stop herself from giggling and laughing, maybe even wondering why she can’t see it clearly. Just to make it visible for her, she even makes hilarious faces which is indeed adorable!

What was your memorable ‘first time’? Share us your story by leaving a comment below and if you like this post, share this to your friends online to cheer them up like you always do.

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