Here’s Why Sitting For A Long Period Of Time Is Bad For You And Your Health

We are not superhuman and to admit, we feel tired too. Our body, especially the brain, needs to take a break from work and we deeply need rest. We can get ourselves to lie down which is known as ‘sleep’ and we can also take some time to relax for a moment by sitting down.

You can sit down but make sure it won’t take too long, because you may not know how your body reacts to it. Nowadays, our lifestyle makes us to sit down for a longer period of time than to move around and it can be a total dangerous to ourselves including our health. Here’s why:

Like what it is stated on the video, our body’s structure is not for sitting down but to stand up and move around. It’s nice to sit down to relieve the unnecessary stress but taking it too long might take you to the hospital because of unnecessary illness too which you clearly don’t like. So, what to do? Treat your body by just moving around even a little, because at the end of the day, it’s your life which is at risk.

Do you like to sit down for a longer period of time? Why? Let us know your thoughts by leaving a comment below and if you like this post, share this to your friends online to cheer them up like you always does.

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