How This Human And His Dog Does Their Fitness Exercise Is Adorable- Comes Along With Some Push-ups And A Kiss

Having a pet animal isn’t only about being able to feed them but also having the full time to train them to be more disciplined animals that knows how to deal with other animals as well. Training them doesn’t only mean letting them learn how to fetch and carry balls, but also how they use their body.

Animals are like humans too, they need not only time to relax but also time for their body’s growth and development. Therefore, it is a big must for them to get some exercise, not only walks but little push-ups just like this duo who have their own unique fitness exercise. Watch the adorable video below:

Eric Ko and his cute dog Teeny have mastered their cute fitness exercise- with a ‘sit’, push-ups and lastly, a kiss of devotion they have for each other. These two have their cute exercise routine and dogs are ready for it anytime. How about you? Does you and your dog have your own version of getting fit, too?

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