Amazing Filipino Boy Sings Righteous Brother’s ‘Unchained Melody’

Kids nowadays would love to spend their whole day playing internet games or chit-chatting over some social media sites like Facebook. Well, that’s how technology influenced humanity and we can’t do nothing about it but to continue teaching our children to focus more on studies and raring their abilities.

However, not all kids are the same; there are those who spends time staring at computer while there are those who would love to spend most of their time practicing their ability to dance and sing like this Filipino kid who sing the popular 1955 song of Righteous Brother’s ‘Unchained Melody’.

WOW! His voice is very impressive! Who would have thought that at his young age, he can hit high notes of the song? For sure, his parents are proud of him and if he tries to audition for a singing contest, he might as well win it.

What do you think of this kid’s amazing voice? Share your thoughts on the comment box below.

3 thoughts on “Amazing Filipino Boy Sings Righteous Brother’s ‘Unchained Melody’”

  1. He has really an amazing voice. He can be more developed if guided by a voice instructor and exposures to any singing contest or competitions


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