Loyal Dog Helps His 68-Year-Old Paralyzed Owner Through The Streets To Work

There’s no question when we hear the saying, “Dog is a man’s best friend.” It’s undeniably true. Unlike our fellow humans, our furry friend is the best to love us no matter who and what we are. When we got nobody, there they are on our side.

Life can sometimes be cruel to us- we lose important things but thanks to our loyal pups for cheering us up. Mr. Fu, a 68-year-old shoe repairman from China experienced the same thing when he lost the strength of his body when he contracted polio when he was a young boy.

Since then, he can’t walk and depends on his poor wheelchair for him to go around the busy street of China to go for walk.


But his dog wanted to help him and so he served as his loyal pusher. His canine companion uses his paws to help his owner along, and sometimes gently use his head to guide the axle forward.

Inspiring pup pushes disabled owner to work in wheelchair

Even with this dog’s little strength, he was able to help his owner who loves him. They’re both devoted for each other and that makes their relationship wonderful than ever.


Know more of their story here:

I just hope Mr. Fu and his loyal dog’s story made your day, and if it did, your dog deserves a hug.

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