Demonstration On How Meissner Effect Works

In life, there are lots of things we already know with the help of Science where scientists do not stop making experiments to come up into something they want. Indeed, science can answer almost all our questions which we have already studied at school. As time passes by, our technology becomes higher and more improved, also in discovering some things we never know yet.

Like what on video below how Meissner effect will blow our minds with unexpected result. Meissner effect is the expulsion of a magnetic field from a superconductor during its transition to the superconducting state. This happen when hard nitrogen floats and stay connected with the use of ceramic material called Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide that conducts electricity without resistance or energy loss (Zero).  Watch the video below.

Science is truly awesome, right? Science is knowledge, knowledge is science. Two thumbs up for those who discover this effect. Hooray!

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