25 Beautiful Snow And Ice Formations That Makes You Love Winter Even More

Winter has finally arrived and the fun begins! It may be cold strolling outside but it is one moment in a year anyone can’t be missed- especially playing with ice and snow. Aside from cold temperature, everything around you (especially outside) begins to change: flowers seem to lose their life, roads get thicker with ice and houses and trees are filled with snow.

However, though snow and ice are quite unpleasant, it can also be a reason for almost everyone to forget the sunlight and have fun with cold. If you stepped outside, you could see different and beautiful ice and snow formations like you never had before, making you love sinter even more.

Take a look at some of them:

1. Baikal Ice Emerald

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2. Frozen Bubbles

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3. Folded Snow



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4. Frozen Flower Buds


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5. Frosted Lace


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6. Ice Blossoms

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7. Frozen Lighthouses On Lake Michigan Shore


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8. Frozen Lakes


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9. Flower After Ice Storm


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10. Frozen Tree

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11. Frost On The Fence

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12. Frozen Pond


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13. Frozen Berries


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14. After Freezing Rain In China

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15. Frosted Pine


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16. Frost Flowers In The Arctic Ocean


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17. Frozen Grass


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18. Icicles On The Blooming Apple Tree

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19. Fudgesicles


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20. Grass After Freezing Rain


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21. Rabbit Or Frost Flowers

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22. Icicle Bush


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23. Snow Roller

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24. Leaf after freezing rain

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25. Frosted Leaves


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Source Credit: BoredPanda

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