This Cat Got Some Brilliant Plan You Can Hardly Think Of. So Unbelievably Hilarious.

Missing someone so much is like a sickness- all you want is to be with them the whole day. Since you want nothing but to stare them and be with them together, you can’t help not to think of ways for them not to leave. If we people would play we’re sick or make any terrible excuses (even funny), animals would do nasty-naughty things we can’t even think they’ll do it for you.

Most of them are house pets’ cats and dogs; but unlike dogs, cats are highly brilliant, yet sometimes evil. They can do things gentle dogs can’t like this cat who want nothing but his owner not to leave the house, but he know that he can’t control it. So he got some plan with the help of a thumbtack.

Witness his master plan that will make you laugh so hard!

cat 2


That’s the best plan ever! Would you dare do it? I would love to. Just kidding! 🙂

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