Here Are 15 Signs That Your Girlfriend Is HIGH-Maintenance. BIG Problem For Boys. Oops.

Girls are well, naturally born loving, kind and creative and these traits will come to big light when they are in a relationship. But everyone knows there’s a big difference between girls- there are ones who are mature and others are still wet behind their ears (in a relationship, specifically).

Of course, boys would love to be with a girlfriend who won’t give them headache and is ‘smooth-sailing’ like most guys said. However, a perfect girlfriend is somehow nowhere to be found since each of girls around the world is different with each other.

But there is one girlfriend every boy should ‘at least’ avoid to date with. She’s high-maintenance and for sure you can’t handle it. For the record, I’m not guilty any of these.

1. She’s always late.


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2. More about her is fake than real.

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3. She’s critical of the clothes you wear.

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4. She refuses to ride in your Honda Civic since she wants more than that.


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5. She don’t want to eat at a normal restaurant.

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6. She’s obsessed with couture fashion (which is ugly)


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7. She has a tiny, yappy dog that lives in her big designer bag.


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8. She always has long, manicured nails.

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9. She spends hours just getting ready to go grocery shopping.


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10. She has way too many stuffed animals.


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11. She wears a tiara as if she’s 6 years old.

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12. She substitutes everything on the menu. ‘Doesn’t like that’ attitude.

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13. She calls you 20 times a day.


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14. She makes a scene in public for no ‘valid’ reason.


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15. She’s stuck up with ‘I’m-better-than-you mentality.’


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Source Credit: Diply

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