Bullied And Called As “GRANNY”.. How Old Is She?Guess Her Age!

Most of girls wanted to have a baby face since they wanted to look good to the eyes of boys. They will use a lot of beauty products for their faces to cover their aging skins. But there also people who wanted to look mature even if they are still young.

They wanted to look mature so that other people would respect them and treat them as an adult. There are really people who do look young compared their age, and there are also people who looks old even if they are still young.

Just like this girl who looks like 60 years old, but she is only 16!


Zara Hartshorn suffers from a rare genetic condition which makes her look middle-aged woman.


She is just 16 years old, but her skin lacked elasticity and looked wrinkled and twisted.

Her conditioned is really sad, since she had also suffered bullying at school being called as a “monkey” and “granny”.


When she was 12, Zara was already being mistaken as a mother of her 17-year-old sister.


A top surgeon in US offered her to perform a cosmetic surgery for free and it was successful. Luckily Zara found love to her boyfriend Ricky. She is now determined to go on college and achieve her ambition.


Hopefully she would be able to achieve her dreams in life! God Bless Her!

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