He Is Oldest Living Land Creature, So His Photo’s Yesterday And Today Were Compared!

All of the living creatures here on earth have time for their death, like us people we can only live longer if we are taking care of ourselves properly. Death is the thing you will never think when you are living; sometimes death will just come along and surprise you.

There are animals that lives a very short period of time compared to humans, just like dogs. But there are also animals that can live longer twice as the life of us humans. One of the creatures that can live a hundred years is the tortoise.


They are a family of land-dwelling turtles; they are also shielded from predators by shell.


Meet Jonathan the giant tortoise, although he is not that fast he is now 182 years old and still strong!


Here are the pictures of Jonathan from 1902 and today!




It is said that Jonathan was brought to the island of St. Helena in 1882, and these 182-year-old tortoise is one of the oldest living creatures in the world. He might be the oldest living tortoise as of now!

Looks like the face of Jonathan is still the same! You can still recognize even he is that old! If us people would live like Jonathan, would we enjoy it?

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