Her Face May Not Be Familiar, But There Is Really Something Special About Her!! What’s It?

Social networking is the most popular activity that is addicted by us people, they say that age doesn’t matter when it comes to this one. We are using those social networking sites to post our pictures and other stuff to our accounts like Facebook, Twitter and more. That activity is called sharing.

The Instagram is one of famous online mobile photo-sharing, video sharing and social networking service not for girls only but also for boys. Even kids and elderly people use Instagram now. This service enables us to take and post pictures or videos, applying filter and being shared to other social networking services.

Like this girl, she has been posting a lot of her stuff at Instagram.


Her face may not be familiar but she has the world’s famous butt by having 1.7 million fans on Instagram.


20-year-old Jen Selter who has been posting pictures of herself working out on Instagram since 2012. Butt is her famous asset and gets over 80,000 likes per photos! Her curve is really an attraction to many boys out there!

Other people say that her curves are not real or just edited since it is just a photo, but what you seen in the video proved that it was really sexy butt!


In order for girls to achieve this, it really takes time to work out and patience!


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