Mother And Son Born Without Arms Lived Life To The Fullest! They Are Inspiring!

Most of the household chores are done by our moms; they are the one who take care of us since we were kids. They are the one who will never leave us in all of our troubles in life. But what if your mom has a disability or a sickness?

People say that having a man disability can’t do things like normal people do, because they have their weaknesses on doing it. Here is a video of 35-year-old Linda Bannon and his son Timmy who were born with Holt-Oram syndrome. This mother and child will give us inspiration that whatever problems you have, there is always a way to enjoy your life.

Mrs. Bannon was able to do simple jobs such as cooking, washing up and making the bed and other job that she can do at home by using her feet. She can even play computer games with his feet! This will really inspire other people that have the same disability.

Linda and timmy.

Linda, timmy and husband.

linda cooking.

timmy playing video game.

linda and timmy cooking using feet.
linda 4

If you have any problems in your life, you can encourage or motivate yourself to be happy because it’s not yet the end. Just like this mother and son, they didn’t make their disability as a reason for not enjoying things in life.

God bless the people like them!

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