Human Skeleton? Nope. It’s Actually Tiny Skeleton Sculptures Found On The Streets Of Mexico. Scary. Just A Bit.

Most artists nowadays, especially sculptors are engaging themselves in creating incredible pieces on the street, and if you’re a lucky keen observer, I’m quite sure you can come across these tiny and small artworks around you.

One artist who is well-known enough in street art is Isaac Cordal, who incredibly works on miniature cement figures in public places, and most of his extraordinary pieces are tiny skeleton sculptures that unknowingly speak of different stories of life.

When he was asked why he chose tiny people as his subject, Isaac said that he sympathize towards little people. As a viewer, you can actually empathize with these little people situations, their leisure time, their waiting for buses and even their more tragic moments such as accidental death, suicide or family funerals.

Cordal’s sculptures can be found in gutters, on top of buildings, on top of bus shelters, and in many unusual and unlikely places.

Take a look at his incredible tiny people sculptures:

tiny skeleton 5

tiny skeleton 1

tiny skeleton 11

tiny skeleton 14

tiny skeleton 2

tiny skeleton 14

tiny skeleton 12

tiny skeleton 13

tiny skeleton 3

tiny skeleton 4

tiny skeleton 6

tiny skeleton 7

tiny skeleton 8

tiny skeleton 10

tiny skeleton 9

tiny skeleton 15

Source Credit: Viralnova

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