If We Know How To Say ‘Sorry’.. This Dog Knows Better Than That.. Watch How He Apologizes To This Little Girl After What He Did.. So Adorable!

As common excuse ‘we’re not perfect’, to commit mistake is normal but although we have single reason to do something against someone, to apologize is still a must for we have to let go what we can’t change and make things right as long as we can.

Accepting an apology is a very difficult task especially when we’ve been hurt so much for so many times, but you know, to carry grudge, avenge and regret it is a more shameful act than the mistake of the person who hurt us.

As humans, apology really means a lot, not only because it heals the wounds within ourselves but it serves an avenue for us to leave immaturity and to grow beyond who we are. If we used to say ‘sorry’ whenever we commit mistakes, animals got their best part in doing it, making things right.

If you think animals don’t have emotions at all? Sorry but you’re dead wrong. Like us humans, animals know how to interact with their kind and with mankind along with their feelings and emotions.

Meet Laura and her beagle best friend Charlie. Like ordinary friends, they both love to play together and make their best time out. But one day, Laura just wants to play alone with her toys, until suddenly out of his curiosity (and jealousy, I think), Charlie stole Laura’s toys which made her cry so hard.

laura and charlie

What had happened? Watch the video:

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