12-Year-Old Girl Uses The Gun Of Tomorrow And Hits Target! Phew!

Gun is a weapon or a device designed to discharge projectiles or other material. Usually the police or the army are the ones who are allowed to use guns, but nowadays we can just get a license for guns so that we could use it for self defense. Some abusive people use s guns in a bad way, like in kidnapping, hostage, robbery, especially in a drug syndicate, they are having high fire arms to protect their drug delivery and it will result in killing innocent people.

Watch this 12-year-old girl who is actually a beginner that shoots the 1000 yards with the use of TrackingPoints Smart Rifle!

The very first device that is identified as a gun is a bamboo tube that used gun powder to fire a spear; it was used in China around 1000 AD. Now we already have a lot of high technology guns like hunting guns, handgun pistols, machine guns, military guns, artillery guns and even in tanks.

For those gun enthusiasts, here is a video of the newest or one of the high technology guns of today, so called the “Smart Rifle” or the precision guided firearm; it is a long-range rifle system. This gun was developed by TrackingPoint , it uses several component technologies, one of this is by the use of its scope, it can just easily track and shoot its target even if you are a beginner! Cool gun!

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