If I’ll Be Vandalizing, I Would Love To Follow These Inspiring Street Wall Quotes! Be Motivated To Read These.. Now!

Freedom can be classified into two aspects- the one that is allowed and the other one that is forbidden. Our freedom of speech can be included in this kind of freedom. We have more ideas and opinions to let the whole world know yet sometimes, we can do nothing but zip our mouth and speak no more.

We can’t just easily go into the public media and shout everything our heart speaks for, so the last resort would be writing- in a piece of paper but when we felt like nothing happens repeatedly, writing in streets is the best option we got.

We call it vandalism. It’s pretty obvious- it’s a crime. Activists around the world adapt this kind of protest and had been punished in accordance to the law.

But what if vandalism can turned out really good that may inspire others to read and think on it? Will it still be a crime? Some people around the world who like to put their good thoughts into writing made some of this street vandalism that surprisingly very good to read over and over again.

Legend: The quoted is the vandalized message, and the (underscored) message under is mine.

Read it and have some introspection.

“In the midst of winter, I found there was within me an invincible summer.” – Albert Camus

_And it never cease to burn your heart so you can be filled with hope..

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“Act like you know.”

_So that you can anticipate the pain you might get after..

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“Who are you.. You are you.”

_Don’t regret the way you are and be proud and act the way you really are..Be true to yourself!

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“Stop worrying.”

_Because your life is already planned, so let the future worry itself..

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“We are the Creators of our own happiness.”

_We make choices and decide that greatly affects the way we see our life..

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“Let’s change the world for good.”

_Because we might be the last person willing to do it..

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“If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission.”

_It’s only you who can do better for yourself and not anybody else..

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“It’s time to dance!!!”

_And forget the crowd that stops you from dreaming big..

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“Life takes time.”

_Everything else does.. because everything happens for a reason..

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“You go girl!”

_Being a female is not a hindrance to do make a difference..

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“…I was somebody.”

_Who is capable to love and who can do something make this world a better place..

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“You’re never too young to dream BIG.”

_Dreaming and having ambitions don’t have any age qualification.. 

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“You look nice today.”

_So chin up and be proud because you’re beautiful no matter what they say..

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“I am in the world to change the world.”

_But you’re not of the world to be tempted and sinned, so make the best out of your life in it..

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“Ain’t no stopping me.”

_So move forward and reach for the stars..

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“You search for inspiration but you already know how to.”

_Look around.. it’s just on your reach..

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“Know you are enough.”

_So be contented to what you are and smile of who you are..

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“A flower does not think to compete with the flower next to it, it just blooms.”

_Be patient.. and wait for your precious time..

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“Live a great story.”

_That will inspire others to go on and live a hopeful life.. 

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“Stand up, speak up, show up for something.”

_Because you’re worth it more than anybody else..

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“Everything will be okay.”

_So wipe your tears, don’t cry and pray..

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“For one minute, please stand here in silence, look around you and contemplate how awesome life really is.”

_There are so much to be thankful for..

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“Lives change here.”

_If you just want to let it happen..

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“Create now, Question later, Fortune favors the bold. Do it with love.”

_Work with passion and never mind of the consequences..

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“Let’s adore and endure each other.”

_Because we’re born for it and that what God wants us to do..

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