These Empty Glass Bottles Are Recycled.. Through Awesome Photographs! Perfect Perspective!

Know the story ‘Message in a Bottle’ that was written by Nicholas Sparks and later produced in a movie with the title itself? That’s one of my favorite romantic novels, but to those who don’t know or heard the story, it’s about a woman named Therese who found a bottle on the beach which has a letter inside it that change her life forever.

End of the story. Just kidding. Though I want to tell you the whole story, I’ve only got little time.

Like Therese, have you ever found an empty bottle on a beach? Even with a letter, I guess. Probably yes. Probably no. Inevitably, and let’s admit that there are empty bottles and some of the trashes found nearby some beach.

But what to do about it if we got no time to recycle?

Israeli artist and photographer Hermin Abramovitch did some creative recycle through capturing the images of the glass bottles laying on the beach or floating in the water.  Abramovitch makes the bottles look larger than reality by using different angles and perspectives. 

Clearly, Abramovitch made some statement here against pollution.

bottle 13

bottle 12

bottle 11

bottle 7

bottle 8

bottle 9

bottle 10

bottle 3

bottle 4

bottle 5

bottle 6

bottle 1

bottle 2

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