These 20 GIF’s Showed Me Things I Never Knew Before. #9 Totally Blew My Mind Away… OMG!

Schools are not the only source of education. There are many ways one can gain knowledge about everything in life. It may be through our family as “Great education starts at home”, through our experiences as “Experience is the best teacher”, or through the help of technology as “Technology  plays a vital role in every sphere of life, and education is no exception.”

Out of school youths can still make use of their time while they’re at a computer shop, playing online games, chatting with their online friends, but at the same time surfing the net for more interesting news and information.

In line with this, we have found something that we hope could add a little knowledge on what you already know. May you find the following GIF’s helpful:

 #1. This is how ants walk.


#2. This is how it looks like during an arctic summer; the sun does not set.

Arctic Summer

#3. This is what happens when you throw a boiling water out a window at a -41°C.

Boiling Water

#4. This is how a chain is made.


#5. This is how a cheetah runs. It quickly swerves its tail every time it changes direction.


#6. Here’s something that you can do with your computer.


#7. This is an egg cracked underwater.

Cracked Egg

#8. This is how dog drinks water.


#9. Yes, it’s a real snake – a flying snake. It’s called chrysopelea.

Flying Snake

#10. This is how human face develops in the womb.

Human Face

#11. This is how a key works.


#12. This is how a lady bug flies.

Lady Bug

#13. This is how amazing some octopus can camouflage.


#14. This is how Poptarts are made.


#15. This is a Pythagorean Theorem  (a² + b² = c²) explained in a tangible illustration.

Pythagorean Theorem

#16. This is what happens when you drop a spring.


#17. This is what happens when a star is devoured by a black hole.


#18. This may be the reason why statues on Easter Island got to where they ended up.

Statues on Easter Island

#19. This is what snake venom does to our blood.


#20. This is how beanstalks find support.


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