Attractively Unusual 6 Bridges In The World! Be Crazily Amazed!

The main purpose of a bridge is to span physical obstacles such as a body of water, valley, or road, for the purpose of providing passage over the obstacle; and likely, it’s not the looks that matters as long as it can carry us from one of a location to the other. But the 6 bridges you are about to see is perfectly gorgeous that even without guessing, people who constructed these were crazily genius! and I’m totally amazed!

These are the one of a kind 6 bridges in the world that will absolutely take you off!

1. Rakotz bridge in Kromlau, Germany

also known as the 'stone bridge'
also known as the ‘stone bridge’

2. Langkawi Sky Bridge

a 125m-long curving cable bridge on Pulau Langkawi island
a 125m-long curving cable bridge on Pulau Langkawi island

3. Cherrapunji bridge

created out of tree roots, directing their growth using shoots of bamboo
created out of tree roots, directing their growth using shoots of bamboo

4. Sunken bridge at Fort de Roovere near Halsteren

the only bridge that the water goes right through it
the only bridge that the water goes right through it

5. London’s Rolling Bridge

this can curl to one side to let boats through the Grand Union Canal
this can curl to one side to let boats through the Grand Union Canal

6. Shaharah Bridge in Yemen

a traditional stone arch bridge that underscores mankind's ability to overcome physical obstacles
a traditional stone arch bridge that underscores mankind’s ability to overcome physical obstacles

Let’s go cross these! 😀

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