Living Alone Is Depressing.. But This 2-Year-Old Girl Has Miserable Parents She Never Wishes to Live With! What A Nightmare!

As I ‘ve read the news about this little one who is such in a predicament situation, I happened to remember the quote of Kahlil Gibran “Your children are not your children, they are the sons and daughters of life’s longing for itself; they came through you, but not from you, and though they are with you, ye they do not belong to you..”

Well, I believe in Gibran’s philosophy because I know God has only the right in us; and with that undeniable fact, nobody, even our parents have the right to put us into a situation that they know will hurt us as human beings. But contradicting this, there are still some people around us who find their responsibility as parents a negligence.

One of which is the family of this 2-year-old girl Anfisa, who unexpectedly happened to grow-up with drug-addict parents Lila (the mother) and Pasha (the Father). According to the reports brought by the photographs of the renowned Russian photographer Irina Popova, that can also be seen in her site, Popova took the pictures year 2008, when she ran into Anfisa’s mother Lila in the streets of St. Petersburg.

To recall the said event, “Lila was totally drunk but had a baby in a stroller. Lila agreed enthusiastically when Popova asked her about doing a photo shoot and even invited the photographer back to her apartment, where she met Lila’s boyfriend Pasha and their daughter Anfisa. She spent two weeks in their terribly run-down and messy apartment, where the couple partied constantly.”

Try to have some look at the said photographs of Irina Popova of Anfisa’s family and express your thoughts on the way you want to.

Anfisa stands as she before her drug-addict parents Pasha and Lila
Anfisa stands as she before her drug-addict parents Pasha and Lila
Anfisa tries to sleep with her parents lying beside her
Anfisa tries to sleep with her parents lying beside her
Anfisa is crying, and Lila tries to calm her down while feeding her
Anfisa is crying, and Lila tries to calm her down while feeding her


Anfisa is playing with the cigarettes of Lila
Anfisa is playing with the cigarettes of Lila
Anfisa curiously watch her parents cuddling
Anfisa curiously watch her parents cuddling
Anfisa is seemingly in danger as she closely come to her parent's window edge.
Anfisa is seemingly in danger as she closely come to her parent’s window edge.


Anfisa enjoys her milk
Anfisa enjoys her milk


Lila and Pasha is sleeping after some of occasional party they attended.
Lila and Pasha is sleeping after some of occasional party they attended.
Pasha tickles Anfisa by kissing her soles.
Pasha tickles Anfisa by kissing her soles.
Lila is returning home from a night party with Anfisa in her baby pram.
Lila is returning home from a night party with Anfisa in her baby pram.
Lila is asking money from car drivers using Anfisa
Lila is asking money from car drivers using Anfisa
Lila and Pasha have an argument about money they asked on the street
Lila and Pasha have an argument about money they asked on the street
Pasha and his guest seemed so aggressive
Pasha and his guest seemed so aggressive
Lila and Pasha are resting on a pavement after long-time period of drug-using and alcohol drinking
Lila and Pasha are resting on a pavement after long-time period of drug-using and alcohol drinking
Anfisa now attends Kindergarten school after Lila left her, and Pasha, now takes good care of her
Anfisa now attends Kindergarten school after Lila left her, and Pasha, now takes good care of her

2 thoughts on “Living Alone Is Depressing.. But This 2-Year-Old Girl Has Miserable Parents She Never Wishes to Live With! What A Nightmare!”

  1. yea, this is very heartbreaking i cannot imagine how a person could do this to another person, let alone your own daughter. I am a single mom. though my resources are limited, i always try my hardest to give the best for my daughter.

  2. this angel must be rescued.. the parents should go to jail. honestly i wanna adopt that poor child.. god pls help this little angel find the right parents for her.


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