Here Are Japan’s 21 Beautiful Cherry Blossoms Of 2014! I’m Captivated!

Japan, with its’ known industry and economy, is also known for its’ ‘utsukushii’ or shall I say beautiful places and traditions… One of its cultures that people around the world gets fascinated with is the tradition of ohanami or picnicking under a sakura tree (cherry blossom). The country’s iconic cherry blossoms blooms every springtime from late … Read more

Dreams Do Come True as Costa Rica Brought Heaven on Earth. #10 Definitely Caught My Attention!

Costa Rica which is known for its progressive environmental policies, definitely brought heaven on earth as they used variety of colorful flowers to caught the attention of some consumers in promoting its newest HD television. Sony absolutely give their best and took advantage over an eight million flower petals they get around the country, representing the eight million pixels … Read more