What The Color Of Your Clothing Right Now Tells About Your Personality – Good To Know


Everyday of our lives, we wear clothes in order to, of course, not expose our bodies to the public, to further protect our skin from scratches from foreign objects, and to keep the temperature of our bodies.

Now, due to the height of fashion sense of many people in the society today, wearing clothes is not done just to do their main roles but also to show the world the beauty of clothes.

Colors of clothes are among the most important areas one needs to see in order to have the best combinations – simply, color combination. But, did you know that there is something on the colors of the clothes that you were most of the time?

Yes, according to color consultant, Mary Ellen Lapp, colors clothing express different feelings and meaning and can also affect or reflect certain moods.

Now, in the list below, find the meaning of the popular clothing colors every person wear.


Everyday of our lives, we wear clothes in order to, of course, not expose our bodies to the public, to further protect our skin from scratches from foreign objects, and to keep the temperature of our bodies.

Now, due to the height of fashion sense of many people in the society today, wearing clothes is not done just to do their main roles but also to show the world the beauty of clothes.

Colors of clothes are among the most important areas one needs to see in order to have the best combinations – simply, color combination. But, did you know that there is something on the colors of the clothes that you were most of the time?

Yes, according to color consultant, Mary Ellen Lapp, colors clothing express different feelings and meaning and can also affect or reflect certain moods.

Now, in the list below, find the meaning of the popular clothing colors every person wear.

Dubbed as the most popular color choice for clothing because of its versatility. It is also timeless. Black really expresses authority, elegance, sophistication, and power. Also, it indicates an analytic mind, independence and strong will.

This color it indicates the person’s extroversion, energy, and passion. People who loves wearing red clothes also tend to be aggressive, quick in releasing their emotions, and energetic. Women who wears red clothes draws romantic attention more than others.

This color indicates a superior mind with great concentration. People who like yellow clothes tend to have an aloof manner but are not shy. They are consistent and logical.

People who love wearing orange clothes seemed to be a social person who is well liked and easily makes friends. The person is also known to love social occasion and meeting other people.

Blue clothing colors indicate positivity, freshness, tranquility, peace and loyalty. People who love wearing blue clothes are sometimes witty, and has a great sense of humor. Often has a unique way of thinking and common geniuses. They live only with their truth.

The color that’s been only used by royalties from the past. Still, it indicates richness, wealth, love of art, imagination, and even creativity. It can be also an indication of inner depth and spirituality.

The color indicates being genuine or authentic, trust, reliability, and being simple. The person who loves wearing brown clothes are known to be well-balanced, intelligent, mentally stable, and a right mind.

The color reflects being balance and neutral. Also, it can indicate being sophisticated but, too much of gray can mean depression and dullness. The color can also be relaxing when mixed with other light colors.

This color shows purity and peace. Also, it indicates cleanliness, goodness, and simplicity. People who loves to wear white are known to be courageous, open, confident and true.

What are wearing now? what’s your favorite color?

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Everyday Health

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