7 Bizarre Creatures That You Need To Avoid While You’re In The Ocean

There are a lot of animals in this world that would often amaze us because of their uniquely incredible characteristics; these creatures have their special skills and defense mechanisms that could protect their selves from predators.

One of the most awesome animals is the sea or water creatures, these creatures are truly one of best creations of God. If you love knowing facts about the greatest creatures of the ocean like jellyfish, here are the 7 bizarre creatures live in our oceans you need to see.

1. Lion’s Mane Jellyfish.

2. Moon Jellyfish.

3. Sea Nettle.

4. Cannonball Jellyfish.

5. Irukandji Jellyfish.

6. Portuguese Man o’ War.

7. Box Jellyfish.

These creatures are the ones we need to avoid when we are in the ocean, they can harm humans but their characteristics are truly incredible. Two thumbs up for these jellyfishes.

(h/t: distractify)

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