Zayn Malik Released His First Solo Demo ‘I Won’t Mind’, But One Directioners Don’t Like It And Minded To Put Some Negative Reactions

It seems like the world of One Direction fans dropped down when Zayn Malik, the 22-year-old member, decided to leave the band for personal reasons of ‘stress’ and he likes to ‘live a normal life.’ Moreover, it was even reported that the reason of his leave might be because of his cheating rumors to his fiancée Perrie Edwards.

After his official leave, speculations about his solo career rose up and six days later, it was proven. Zayn Malik left the One Direction, not to live a normal life, but to make more music alone? It was reported that he collaborated with record producer Naughty Boy and here’s his first solo demo uploaded to SoundCloud entitled ‘I Won’t Mind.’

What do you think of the music? Well, it was a surprise not only to One Direction fans but also to Zayn Malik’s former group members like Louis Tomlinson who tweeted “Wow @NaughtyBoyMusic you’re so inconsiderate pal , seriously how f***ing old are you ? Grow up ! #masterofallwisdom.” To Naughty Boy. Even the fans don’t like it putting some harsh comments like @meriouma64 saying “wants to have a normal life of a 22 year old” “I won’t mind”.

What do you think of Zayn Malik’s decision leaving One Direction and making music of his own? Do you think he’ll succeed it?  Share your thoughts on the comment box below.

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