Facts About Penguins

Here are some cool Facts About Penguins

Facts About Penguins – Penguins are among the most famous animals in Antarctica and here are some of the coolest facts about the adorable flightless seabirds.

They Have A Lot Of Ways to Stay Warm

Penguins have the ability to endure some of the world’s harshest climates and coldest oceans, based on the article in Chimu. This is because of their thick layers of feathers and extra reserves of body fat. They also have the ability to produce oil via the preen gland. They carefully spread this oil over their feathers to insulate their bodies and improve their speed through the water.

facts about penguins

They Can “Fly” Through the Water

When they are showcasing their great swimming ability, they look a lot like they are flying. Their bodies and ability to swim are used for catching fish as their food.

They Are Faithful Lovers

Gentoo and rockhopper penguins are known to partner up for life while Adelie penguins would return to the same spot to be with the same mate every breeding season. When it comes to female emperors, they can spot their mates in a crowded colony, and they use their unique calls for this.

Penguin Tuxedo Is For Camouflage

Their black back helps them blend in with the dark ocean when seen from above while the white portion of their body is similar to the bright surface when viewed from below.

They Build Rock Nests

They spend a significant amount of time collecting rocks and pebbles to build the perfect nest during the breeding season.

Their Ancestors Were Giants

Penguins’ sizes range from 30cm to 1.3 m. and they weigh approximately 1.2 – 1.5 kg. However, their ancestors have been approximately 2m tall and weighed over 100kg, based on the fossils found in Antarctica.

They Have Solid Bones

Most birds typically have hollow bones to assist with flying but penguins have solid bones to help them sink in the water. This enables them to dive.

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