Take A Look At These Guys Who Seems To Defy Gravity By Their Freerunning…These Guys Are Just Mind-Blowing…

As Sir Issac Newton have discovered gravity long ago, we now knew what is that force that pulls all back into the Earth. But, man is just a natural challenger. We made different things in order to defy gravity like airplanes. There’s a certain discipline that seems to defy gravity by doing acrobatic stunts which is called freerunning. The concept of freerunning is what it’s meaning says, just running and there are no limits on your body movements whether jumping from different places like buildings and apartments.

And here’s a video of Jason Paul and Pasha Petkuns who just made really mind-tricky stunts of freerunning that looks really amazing.

How about that! That was pretty awesome!

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(h/t: Red Bull )

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