Clever Do-It-Yourself Project: How To Make A No Sew Pillow

In her latest DIY tutorial, YouTube user Denise Cooper shared on the world’s largest video sharing site how to make a pillow without sewing it.

The video features the materials you need to prepare in order to come up with the no sew pillow. Take a look on the steps provided for you to come up with this project.

Watch the video below for you to know how to make a pillow without sewing it.

The materials that you are going to use in this do-it-yourself project are the following: fabric, flat-iron, fabric tape measure, sewing pins, scissors and stitch witchery. For 20×20 pillow, use a 1 1/3 yard of 54 inch fabric. Cut the fabric in half and then place the pillow foam at the top of the fabric then do the steps provided.

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