This Old Lady Was Spotted Playing A Musical Piece That Will Put Your Eyes To Tears

If you think old people only mean being restless, getting bored and lying around the corner, you’re wrong. No matter how old a person is, there’s no stopping him doing great things. Like we always hear, “Age doesn’t matter.”

Talent can never be gone although age continue to grow and it has always been proven by people who now have reached age but still spends their time doing things that makes them happy and makes them simply the best of who they are like this old lady who was spotted in a City Library of Melbourne playing piano and you need to hear it for you to believe.

Her music is very sentimental to hear. That old woman is Natalie Trayling, a 80-year-old musician, who, according to the reports, has been performing on the streets of Melbourne and other cities in Australia for decades.

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