These 16 Animals Can Do Something More Than What Humans Can Actually Do.. ‘Coz They’re Powerful! WOW.

Seeing unusual animals are no unusual to many of us. We have already encountered many of these creatures and they are undeniably amazing. But unaware of what we know, these animals are no comparison to all of us- not only because they’re physically different but also because they have something we don’t have.

What is it? Real powers. Yes! Like what we’ve seen in movies or read in any fictional books. Most of us are just wishing to be superhuman, but these animals are effortless to be one.

They’re like Superman or the X-Men, but unlike them, they’re not fabricated and exist on Kingdom Animalia.

1. Immortal jellyfish.

It actually has the ability to reverse the aging process and begin their life cycle over and over and over again.

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2. Chameleon

It has the ability to change color.


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3. Electric eel

It is capable of producing electric shocks of up to 600 volts.


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4. Mantis shrimp

It has a punch that’s equivalent to a gunshot from a .22 caliber rifle and can strike with 1,500 Newtons of force.


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5. Platypus

It has an actual sixth sense –electrolocation –, which means it can locate its prey based on the electric currents found in muscle.


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6. Horned lizard

It can squirt blood from its eye up to five feet away.


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7. Sea cucumber

It can shapeshift (can transform into another form).

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8. Alpine ibex mountain goat

This goat can climb walls.



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9. Lyrebird

It can imitate any sound they hear, and even car alarms.



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10. Salamander

It can regenerate its limbs.



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11. Starfish

This can regrow their limbs too. Some can even generate a new body from a single arm.



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12. Hairy frog

This is a real-life Wolverine which can break its own bones to create claws.




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13. Pistol shrimp

Its claw has the ability to shut so quickly that it creates a cavitation bubble that is almost as hot as the sun. The sound the bubble makes can reach up to 218 decibels and the pressure is enough to kill a small fish.



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14. Mimic octopus

This can camouflage itself into its surroundings.




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15. Ant

It can support 5,000 times their body weight.




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16. Honey badger

This animal is afraid of nothing.



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See, they’re no ordinary!

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